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  • Prey 2 Cinematic Trailer

    Prey 2 Cinematic Trailer

    2K Games își prezintã cu câteva zile înainte de E3 trailerele jocurilor cu care se va afisa la expoziția de la Los Angeles. Ergo, Bethesda și Human Head Studios au realizat un nou trailer din Prey 2. E drept cã e vorba despre un trailer cinematic lung de mai bine de trei minute, în care descoperim atmosfera jocului, foarte, foarte diferitã de cea din primul Prey. Teaser trailer-ul de fațã nu conține secvențe de gameplay, nici mãcar CGI, ci este filmat în...
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  • Star Trek a fost anunþat

    Star Trek a fost anunþat

    Paramount Digital Entertainment a anunþat cã în vara anului viitor va lansa jocul de acþiune co-op Star Trek, dezvoltat în studiourile Digital Extremes.

    Povestea va fi scrisã de Marianne Krawczyk (God of War) împreunã cu Bob Orci ºi Alex Kurtzman (Star Trek) ºi va prezenta aventurile lui Kirk ºi Spock ce vor trebui sã colaboreze pentru a salva galaxia de invazia unei rase extraterestre....
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  • A fost lansat Duke Nukem Forever Demo

    A fost lansat Duke Nukem Forever Demo

    Versiunea demo de Duke Nukem Forever a fost lansatã ºi poate fi descãrcatã de cei ce au precomandat jocul sau deþin ediþia GOTY de Borderlands.

    Din pãcate se pare cã versiunea pentru PC are anumite probleme cu optimizarea, mai mulþi jucãtori fiind nemulþumiþi de mouse acceleration ºi FOV.
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  • Dungeon Siege 3

    Dungeon Siege 3

    Torn asunder, the delicate balance of power between the kingdom of Ehb's powerful factions has fallen apart. As one of the few remaining members of the disgraced protectors of the land, the 10th Legion, it is up to you to rebuild the once great Legion and stop Ehb from falling into darkness. Joined by a group of unique companions, you will travel through the striking land of Ehb defeating all manner of villains and beasts through a combination of heroic abilities, screen shaking magic and fearsome...
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  • Hitman: Absolution

    Hitman: Absolution

    HITMAN ABSOLUTION follows Agent 47™, a cold-blooded assassin, who takes on his most dangerous contract to date. Betrayed by those he once trusted — and now hunted by the police — he suddenly finds himself at the center of a dark conspiracy and must embark on a personal journey through a corrupt and twisted world. Showcasing IO Interactive’s new proprietary Glacier 2™ technology, the game has been built from the ground up. Boasting a cinematic story, distinctive art directi...
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  • Tomb Raider

    Tomb Raider

    When a sudden storm destroys her research vessel, a young and inexperienced Lara Croft finds herself stranded on a mysterious and remote island hiden of the shores of Japan. Despite several signs of various inhabitants the island is oddly deserted, and an uneasy feeling settles in as strange sounds emerge from the shadows. With only her determination, inner strenght, and resourcefulness to help her, Lara must overcome the challenges of a harsh and unforgiving journey that will take her across ...
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  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution

    Deus Ex: Human Revolution

    In DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION you play Adam Jensen, a security specialist, handpicked to oversee the defense of one of America's most experimental biotechnology firms. But when a black ops team breaks in and kills the scientists you were hired to protect, everything you thought you knew about your job changes. At a time when scientific advancements are routinely turning athletes, soldiers and spies into super-enhanced beings, someone is working very hard to ensure mankind's evolution follows a p...
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  • Dead Island

    Dead Island

    A couple flying to the vacation of their dreams is torn apart by a violent plane crash. Take on a harrowing quest to find your lost wife. Enter into the dark world of a devastated tropical paradise now plunged into chaos. It’s a place where the word "dead" has an entirely new meaning. Face the nightmare and fight for survival. Explore the secrets hidden in the darkest regions of the island and fight your way through. Survival is your main goal! Dead Island is a non-linear FPP (First Pers...
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  • Square Enix dezvãluie titlurile ce vor fi prezentate la E3 2011

    Square Enix dezvãluie titlurile ce vor fi prezentate la E3 2011

    Square Enix a dezvãluit titlurile ce vor fi prezentate în perioada 7-9 iunie în cadrul expoziþiei E3 2011, lista cuprinzând jocurile:

    * Final Fantasy XIII-2
    * Dead Island
    * Deus Ex: Human Revolution
    * Tomb Raider
    * Hitman: Absolution
    * Dungeon Siege III
    * Wafku
    * Heroes of Ruin
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  • Un nou DLC si Patch pentru The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

    Un nou DLC si Patch pentru The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

    CD Projekt Red anunþã cã odatã cu lansarea patch-ului 1.2 pentru The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, programatã sã se desfãºoare astãzi, va fi introdus ºi DLC-ul Barbers and Coiffeuses, lista completã cu modificãrile ºi conþinutul nou putând fi gãsitã pe site-ul oficial.
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  • Age of Empires Online se lanseaza in august

    Age of Empires Online se lanseaza in august

    In circa doua luni, Microsoft isi va lansa prima versiune gratuita a jocului Age of Empires Online, oferind doua civilizatii (greci vs egipteni) si peste 40 de ore de joc. Insa evident, in cel mai pur stil Microsoft, pachetele platite vor fi acelea care vor dezvalui adevaratul potential al jocului. Astfel, vor exista patru pachete disponibile: Mai intai, cronologic vorbind, vor fi lansate unul premium si unul pro, fiecare dintre ele puse in vanzare la 19,99$. Cel premium va pune la dispozitia jucat...
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  • Call of Duty Black Ops: weekend multiplayer gratuit

    Call of Duty Black Ops: weekend multiplayer gratuit

    Dacã faceți parte din cei 27 de jucãtori care nu au jucat pânã acum Call of Duty: Black Ops, aflați cã în acest week-end veți avea ocazia sã încercați jocul gratuit! Mai exact, veți avea acces la modul multiplayer al jocului. Dacã sunteți interesați, nu aveți decât sã dați click pe acest link și sã descãrcați fișierul....
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  • BioShock 2 v1.5 Patch

    BioShock 2 v1.5 Patch

    Enables BioShock 2 to play the Minerva's Den DLC

    DOWNLOAD from MediaFire
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  • Crysis 2 v1.8 Patch

    Crysis 2 v1.8 Patch

    New Features • Added advanced graphics options • Added F1 to vote during vote kicks • Prematch mode for ranked servers added allowing people to fight on the map until sufficient players have joined for the ranked play to start • Upped the default score limits in some game modes: • - Crash Site has a limit of 175 (was 150) • - Team Instant Action has a limit of 75 (was 50) • - Instant Action has a limit of 30 (was 25) Fixes • Fixed vote kicking not...
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  • Armada 2526 Supernova v1.03 English Patch (Iceberg Interactive)

    Armada 2526 Supernova v1.03 English Patch (Iceberg Interactive)

    Armada 2526 Supernova Release Notes 1 June 2011 Version 1.03 Changes from v1.02  Fixed Jammer ship construction time  Fixed bug where trade was not resumed when a damaged space port was repaired  Fixed problem running on Japanese machines  Adjusted AI relations to human player to account for trust, liking and difficulty when deciding whether they need weakening  Added an explanation for why an AI player embargoes you  Fixed bug building neut...
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