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41 results in 0.0048 seconds.
2006 FIFA World Cup Germany
- Created by: edyy
- Published: 05-05-2011, 08:15 PM
in Jocuri2006 FIFA World Cup Germany
2006 FIFA World Cup perfectly captures the emotion and passion of the world’s fiercest national rivalries by giving users the opportunity to play with their heroes and the chance to win the FIFA World Cup. Play as your home nation and control your favorite players as you battle from qualification right through to a virtual re-creation of the final tournament in Germany. EA SPORTS has brought to life close to 100 superstars by emulating the real-life abilities of the world’s mo... -
1914 Shells of Fury
- Created by: edyy
- Published: 05-05-2011, 08:14 PM
in Jocuri1914 Shells of Fury
Set in WWI, “1914 Shells of Fury” is the first WWI submarine simulation to be released. Players have command their very own WWI Submarine from the German Emperor’s fleet. Prepare to participate in exciting underwater missions from WWI, and work out detailed strategies using powerful weapons. Take command and control of the various missions given, while roaming across the ocean. Players must use tactical skills in order to survive and move ahead of the opponent. Features: ... -
18 Wheels: American Long Haul
- Created by: edyy
- Published: 05-05-2011, 08:12 PM
in Jocuri18 Wheels: American Long Haul
ªoselele Americii de Nord te aºteaptã! Nu mai lucrezi pentru nimeni acum! Eºti proprietarul unei afaceri de transport de succes ºi tu eºti cel care ia deciziile. Construieºte-þi un imperiu pas cu pas, ca sã domini autostrãzile ºi sã depãºeºti concurenþa. Poþi face faþã? Visul tãu american începe în spatele volanului. -
18 Wheels of Steel: Pedal to the Metal
- Created by: edyy
- Published: 05-05-2011, 07:11 PM
in Jocuri18 Wheels of Steel: Pedal to the Metal
In Pedal to the Metal, spre deosebire de celelalte serii ale jocului când jucãtorii se saturã de condus, pot alege sã iasã din spatele volanului ºi sã conducã compania dintr-un birou confortabil... -
18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin
- Created by: edyy
- Published: 05-05-2011, 08:09 PM
in Jocuri18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin
Haul Some! Kick Some! Life on the road is filled with obstacles. Do you have the juice to go from gearjammer to boss man in the trucking business? Climb in the can and find out! You're steering the whole operation, from choosing the trucks to hiring the drivers in your fleet. Avoid the hazards and you'll be haulin' it in. But, make too many wrong turns along the way and it could be a lost cause. That fire in your belly is gonna take you straight to the top. Take risks, cash in and upgrad... -
18 Wheels of Steel: Convoy
- Created by: edyy
- Published: 05-05-2011, 07:58 PM
in Jocuri18 Wheels of Steel: Convoy
Treci la volan si preia controlul unei afaceri de transport. Porneºte singur, schimbând diferite slujbe, apoi construieºte-þi propriul tãu parc auto ºi livreazã marfã. Dezvoltã-þi afacerea ºi parcul auto, dar ai grijã - reputaþia sa este cea mai importantã.
Distreazã-te jucând cel de-al patrulea joc sim din seria 18 Wheels of Steel! -
Project IGI 2 Covert Strike
- Created by: edyy
- Published: 17-03-2011, 09:55 PM
in JocuriProject IGI 2 Covert Strike
You have a plan. You have an enemy. Execute them both. Firepower, stealth and tactical genius are your allies as David Jones, the ex-SAS one-man army, returns to eradicate terrorism from the face of the planet. Test your nerve to the limit and prevent the global crucible exploding into chaos. ... -
TRON: Evolution - The Video Game
- Created by: edyy
- Published: 17-03-2011, 10:21 PM
in JocuriTRON: Evolution - The Video Game
TRON: Legacy (Mostenirea), noul film din seria-cult, lansat pe 17 decembrie 2010 in Romania, este insotit de jocuri video care iti permit sa traiesti experienta TRON si sa iei parte la evenimentele dintre primul film si noul sequel. In TRON: Evolution, descoperi cum Kevin Flynn, protagonistul din primul film TRON, ajunge din nou sa joace un rol important in universul TRON. Jocurile action/adventure TRON: Evolution utilizeaza tehnologie de top si grafica de ultima ora, iar experienta este ... -
Men of War
- Created by: edyy
- Published: 15-03-2011, 08:10 AM
in JocuriMen of War
Descrierea oficiala:
Men of War takes place in Europe during the height of World War II. The story unfolds across three different campaigns played out through the eyes of Soviet, Allied and German soldiers. Each campaign has its own structured timeline bringing a different story of the war to life spanning across Russia, North Africa, Ukraine, Greece, Germany, Italy and the Pacific. The main Soviet campaign sees two student comrades, Smirnov and Kuznetzov, join the army and quickly become Brother in arms as they rise through the ranks and experience the rigors of war.... -
Battlefield 3
- Created by: edyy
- Published: 02-03-2011, 05:20 PM
in JocuriBattlefield 3
Feel The Battle! This fall, prepare to feel the most physical shooter ever created, powered by the all-new Frostbite 2 gaming engine. Battlefield 3 leaps ahead of the competition with the power of Frostbite™ 2, the next instalment of DICE’s cutting-edge game engine. This state-of-the-art technology is the foundation on which Battlefield 3 is built, delivering superior visual quality, a grand sense of scale, massive destruction, dynamic audio and incredibly lifelike character animations.... -
Around the World in 80 Days
- Created by: games-area
- Published: 15-02-2011, 11:15 AM
in JocuriAround the World in 80 Days
You only have 80 days to circumnavigate the globe. Think that sounds easy? Travel back in time to the late 19th century and get ready for spectacular adventures on land, sea and air together with the English daredevil Phileas Fogg and his loyal French servant Passepourtout. Use the unique chance to visit four continents and complete the inconceivable journey to win the fantastic 20,000 pounds wager with this outstanding puzzler inspired by the classic adventure novel of the same name written...