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  • Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic

    Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic

    This enchanting fantasy game throws players into the heart of a mythological world where a new Empire has launched an aggressive assault on the Ancient Races and all things magic. Meanwhile an even greater evil populated by hellish demons breeds in its shadows. Assuming the roles of mythical champions, players must make use of the dozens of new and spectacular spells available, strike allegiances wisely and take on the evil Phobius who threatens to turn this dream-like world into a living ni...
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  • Age of Wonders 2: The Wizards Throne

    Age of Wonders 2: The Wizards Throne

    Age of Wonders 2 is the sequel to the award winning turn based strategy game, Age of Wonders. Developed by Triumph Studios and PopTop Software, the game will sport better graphics and updated gameplay. The AI in Age of Wonders 2 will be improved, providing more challenging opponents. Towns will play a bigger role, not just a unit factory. New spells, skills, and combat rules will make battles faster paced. A map editor and a random map generator will be included with the game. Expect Age of Wonders...
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  • Age of Wonders

    Age of Wonders

    Berry gathering and cave painting may best illustrate the real story of mankind's formative years, but making more room by slaughtering a few of the earth's previous inhabitants ensures a far better game in Age of Wonders. This addictive, turn-based strategy game can keep you immersed for hours in a high-fantasy earth that just begs to be conquered. 12 playable races, each with its own characteristics, tendencies, strengths, and weaknesses Huge, detailed maps including subterranean area...
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  • Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships

    Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships

    Players courageous enough to delve into the dangerous world of Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships will discover treasure and adventure as they choose to go it alone and become the most feared pirate on the seven seas, or prove their loyalty and take the coin of one of four different navies; French, English, Spanish or Dutch. As players navigate their own route through the seas of the Caribbean they can explore strange new countries and undiscovered civilizations, plunder merchant ships and...
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  • Age of Mythology: The Titans

    Age of Mythology: The Titans

    Civilizaþia pierdutã a Atlantidei se întoarce în "Age of Mythology: The Titans," extinderea 'Ensemble Studios' la popularul titlu "Age of Mythology." Add-on-ul include o nouã campanie singleplayer, noi elementele mitologice, abilitatea de a oferi noi elemente eroilor ºi , bineînþeles, oportunitatea de a domina puterile teribile ale Titanilor. Bãtãlia pentru cer ºi pãmânt continuã în timp ce oamenii Atlantidei intrã în "Age of Mythology." Mitologia Atlantidei. Jucãtorii ...
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  • Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome Expansion

    Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome Expansion

    The Age of Empires Expansion: The Rise of Rome este add-on-ul oficial pentru aclamatul joc de strategie în timp real Age of Empires. Concentrându-se pe legendarul Imperiu Roman, the Rise of Rome va provoca gamerii veterani ºi începãtori sã intre într-un rãzboi epic cu patru noi civilizaþii, o sarie de elemente unice, noi tehnologii ºi noi campanii, incluzând campania principalã, ce se concentreazã asupra evoluþiei Romei.

    Adunaþi-vã forþele, o nouã Erã va veni.
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  • Age of Empires Online

    Age of Empires Online

    Greece: ancient land of beauty, reason, passion ... and war. A peninsula of feuding city-states populated by noble warriors and wise philosophers, Greece stands ready to resist any invaders who underestimate their power. Help guide the Greeks to their rightful place as the strongest of ancient empires. The fate of the Greek Empire is in your hands, and from your Capital City you will strengthen your economy, improve your technologies, and embark on quests to expand your influence across the ...
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  • Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs

    Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs

    Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs is the new expansion pack for the best-selling real-time strategy (RTS) title of 2005, Age of Empires III from Ensemble Studios and Microsoft Game Studios. Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs will engage gamers of all ages and types in epic warfare in the Americas where they will lead the proud, playable native civilizations to expand their empire and fight for control of the Americas. Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs is the latest installment in the award-winni...
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  • Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties

    Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties

    “Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties” is the second expansion pack for the massively popular “Age of Empires III” from Ensemble Studios and Microsoft Game Studios, which has sold over 2.5 million copies to date*. Engaging gamers of all ages and types in epic warfare in the Eastern world, “Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties” will lead Japanese, Chinese and Indian civilizations to expand their empires. “Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties&#...
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  • Age of Empires III

    Age of Empires III

    In this highly anticipated next installment in the "Age of Empires" franchise from Ensemble Studios, "Age of Empires III" places players in the time period of roughly 1500–1850, picking up where "Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings®" left off. As players work to establish their empire, they will take on the role of a European power struggling to explore, colonize and conquer North and South America. "Age of Empires III" introduces exciting new gameplay elements, including the all-new...
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  • Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion

    Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion

    Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion este add-on-ul oficial pentru aclamatul joc de strategie în timp real strategy game Age of Empires® II: The Age of Kings®. Concentrându-se pe conducãtori legendari, The Conquerors va provoca gamerii veterani ºi novici sã ducã un rãzboi la scarã epicã cu toate noile civilizaþii, elemente ºi tehnologii noi. ºi campanii bazate pe cuceritori cu reputaþii proaste, precum Attila Hunul, El Cid ºi Montezuma. Age of Empires II: The...
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  • Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings

    Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings

    Rome a cãzut iar lumea poate fi cuceritã! Experimenteazã evoluþia în timp real în timp ce tu îþi transformi civilizaþia într-un imperiu înfloritor, din Epoca Întunericului spre Epoca Imperialã. Decide dacã vrei sã cucereºti lumea cu ajutorul puterii militare, comerþului ºi diplomaþiei, sau prin intrigã ºi asasinarea regelui. Sunt multe cãi spre putere ºi doar unul va fi conducãtor suprem! Noi eroi de descoperit ºi noi lumi de cucerit! The Conquerors Expansion adaugã 5 n...
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  • Age of Empires

    Age of Empires

    Age of Empires este un joc de strategie real-time ce cuprinde 10,000 de ani, în care jucãtorii sunt spiritul îndrumãtor în evoluþia unor triburi din epoca de piatrã. Începând cu resurse minime, jucãtorii sunt provocaþi sã îºi transforme triburile în mari civilizaþii. Alege unul din cele câteva moduri de a câºtiga jocul, inclusiv: dominaþia asupra lumii cucerind civilizaþiile inamice, explorarea lumii cunoscute ºi victoria economicã prin acumularea bogãþiilor....
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  • A New Beginning

    A New Beginning

    A New Beginning is a cinematic, interactive eco-thriller. In the classic adventure game an impending global climate cataclysm threatens the world, in a story ripped from today’s headlines, dealing with the defining issue of our time. At locations all around the globe, players will have to try and stem the tide – with the whole world hanging in the balance. In A New Beginning, players take control of two protagonists and explore the detailed, hand-painted backgrounds. The more than 3...
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  • A Game of Thrones: Genesis

    A Game of Thrones: Genesis

    "A Game of Thrones: Genesis" plunges you into the heart of the battles and intrigues between the Families that shaped the Kingdom of Westeros. However, victory does not necessarily result from brute force. The innovative game mechanics provide players with numerous paths to success: will you opt for a military, economic or diplomatic approach? Trickery, treachery and deceit are widespread and you will constantly have to watch your back if you want to avoid a bitter defeat! Peacefully or for...
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