Astăzi, Treyarch a lansat patch-ul 1.04 pentru Call of Duty: Black Ops, pe care l-au promis la începutul lunii. Iată lista completă cu toate îmbunătăţirile aduse de acest update: - Improved threading performance on computers with only 2 cores. - Additional performance optimizations - Added an option to pre-cache all shaders during load time. This fixes hitching related to shader compiling on some video cards when viewing an area of the map for the first time. - Fixed random freezes in certain computer configurations. - Allow Team Change on Ranked servers when it does not unbalance teams (this is a server admin option). - Allow Team Change grace period at start of match (server admin option). - Added 4 more reserved slots (server admin option) - /connect - Improved quickmatch results (server side change) - Fix for watching films through Combat Record - Fixed compassSpectatorsSeeEnemies exploit - Fixed 3rd person fov exploit - Fix for infinite supply drop exploit. - Fixed crosshair flickering when stereo is active. - Various spawn improvements - Various sound improvements - Fix for Zombies - Teammate shadows not displayed properly. - Fix for radar not staying on in One in the Chamber when it should. - In a Domination match, the Position Secured medal is no longer delayed. - 'Hardened: Equipment Shot' Challenge can now be completed by destroying a 'Camera Spike'. - Fix for choppy final killcam in dedicated servers. - Various map glitches fixed. - Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by his) - Added mixed hardcore playlist - Added mixed barebones playlist - Added 12 player versions of all playlists
Noul patch pentru Black Ops a fost lansat