Treyarch pregateste un nou patch pentru Black Ops

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  • games-area
    • Jul 2010
    • 603

    Treyarch pregateste un nou patch pentru Black Ops

    Treyarch vrea să ne demonstreze că ţine cont de feedback-ul gamer-ilor şi a anunţat pe forumul oficial că pregăteşte un nou patch pentru Call of Duty: Black Ops. Acesta va fi cel mai consistent patch de până acum, dar nu şi ultimul, după cum promit producătorii. Din păcate, încă nu a fost comunicată o dată de lansare, dar sperăm să vină cât mai repede. O parte din problemele pe care le va reyolva acest patch găsiţi mai jos. Pentru lista completă daţi un click aici.- Added an option to create shaders during load time. This fixes hitching when viewing a new area of the map for the first time on some video cards.- Incomplete server browser results.- Improvements to Quickmatch results (with better ping and reduced lag)..- /connect- /reconnect- Improved threading performance on computers with only 2 cores.- Fixed random freezes in certain computer configurations.- Increased reserved slots to 9.- Improvements to the spawn system to resolve an issue where negative spawn influencers from specific game events were not always being deleted after the danger had cleared – in some matches, this was causinggood spawns to be erroneously flagged by the game as bad spawns, which in turn forced actual bad spawns to get selected later in the match - Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by this)- Prevention of killstreak selection getting disabled in Combat Training under rare conditions
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