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  • games-area
    • Jul 2010
    • 603


    Crytek a anunţat că lucrează în acest moment la un nou shooter online free-to-play, numit Warface. Jocul, realizat în colaborare cu Crytek Seoul, este un FPS militar dedicat în exclusivitate posesorilor de PC amatori de multiplayer. Vestea proastă e că, jocul va fi distribuit doar pe piaţa din Asia. Acesta este planul iniţial al producătorilor, dar sperăm să ajungă şi pe la noi. "The military shooter in its near future setting offers a cinematic experience with next gen visuals, AI and physics based on Crytek’s proprietary CryENGINE 3 game development solution. Warface provides gamers with a constantly updated extensive PVE universe full of dramatic multiplayer co-op missions and a full set of class based PVP." Cevat Yerli, CEO Crytek:"Our passion is to always deliver the best gaming experience possible. That's why we opened our Crytek Korea office in 2008, which today enables us to offer a game that is tailored to suit its market. We're excited to debut with Warface in South Korea and to deliver a compelling and truly unique experience soon."
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