Anul acesta am trecut și eu la monitor WS si din păcate, unele jocuri din titlurile mai vechi, nu suporta rezoluții WS (unele nu suporta nici rezoluții mai mari de 800 x 600)... Cel puțin oficial - cum neoficial, din fanii anumitor titluri s-au găsit câțiva capabili să scoată niște patch-uri pentru rezoluții WS. Unele jocuri implica doar câteva modificări in fișierul .ini dar sunt și titluri ca si cel din titlu care poate fi modificat doar printr-un patch.
Din fericire, am găsit un patch intitulat Heroes 3 HD - care adaugă suport pentru rezoluții Wide Screen.
Din fericire, am găsit un patch intitulat Heroes 3 HD - care adaugă suport pentru rezoluții Wide Screen.
HoMM 3 HD mod(aka HiRez mod, Multi-Resolution patch, HoMM3 High Resolution Project) is an addon pack for Heroes of Might and Magic 3 that changes game resolution to any from 800x600 to 4000x4000, adds new functionality and fixes some original bugs.
HoMM 3 HD mod not changes original gameplay (except it fixes artifact selling bug).
Compability: the Shadow of Death, Complete, WoG, TE, WT, and some other SoD/WoG/TE-based mods
HD mod features (except simple adventure manager resizing and converting ex-full-screens to windows):
fixes some original interface bugs;
32-bit color mode support;
minimap works correctly with nonstandard maps from 1x1 to 255x255
extended adventure manager:
- 8 heroes and 7 towns in lists, + five buttons from adventure options;
- can view hero's current number of movement points/ maximum number of movement points;
extended army management (OFF in WoG/TE by default, cause incorrect work with creature's exp):
- 17 new buttons on Swap Manager;
- managing army in Hero-Info-Panel on Adventure Manager;
- if moving last army from hero, 1 creature stay with hero and others move;
- quick split/combine/transfer creatures by [ctrl]+click, [alt]+click, [shift]+click.
Extra buttons ("Load Game" "Restart Scenario", "Main Menu") in the Combat Options dialog;
Artifact Merchants bugs fix;
built-in Berserker's CPU patch;
easy DEF, PCX, TXT, FNT adding/replacing by putting it to \HiResData\Common (which have higher priority than \DATA and LODs)
WoG/TE mod-makers can easily add new buttons to Adventure Manager ( \HiResData\Buttons.ini)
You can turn off most of the HD mod features using Options file \HiRezData\HiRez.ini
800x600 original game still works as it should after HD mod installation (no need to make any copy for backup)
HoMM 3 HD mod not changes original gameplay (except it fixes artifact selling bug).
Compability: the Shadow of Death, Complete, WoG, TE, WT, and some other SoD/WoG/TE-based mods
HD mod features (except simple adventure manager resizing and converting ex-full-screens to windows):
fixes some original interface bugs;
32-bit color mode support;
minimap works correctly with nonstandard maps from 1x1 to 255x255
extended adventure manager:
- 8 heroes and 7 towns in lists, + five buttons from adventure options;
- can view hero's current number of movement points/ maximum number of movement points;
extended army management (OFF in WoG/TE by default, cause incorrect work with creature's exp):
- 17 new buttons on Swap Manager;
- managing army in Hero-Info-Panel on Adventure Manager;
- if moving last army from hero, 1 creature stay with hero and others move;
- quick split/combine/transfer creatures by [ctrl]+click, [alt]+click, [shift]+click.
Extra buttons ("Load Game" "Restart Scenario", "Main Menu") in the Combat Options dialog;
Artifact Merchants bugs fix;
built-in Berserker's CPU patch;
easy DEF, PCX, TXT, FNT adding/replacing by putting it to \HiResData\Common (which have higher priority than \DATA and LODs)
WoG/TE mod-makers can easily add new buttons to Adventure Manager ( \HiResData\Buttons.ini)
You can turn off most of the HD mod features using Options file \HiRezData\HiRez.ini
800x600 original game still works as it should after HD mod installation (no need to make any copy for backup)