World of Warcraft Cataclysm

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    • Jul 2010
    • 603

    World of Warcraft Cataclysm

    După ce s-a bucurat de statutul de "the fastest-selling PC game of all time, Cataclysm a înregistrat un nou record de vânzări. În prima luna de la lansare, expansion-ul s-a vândut în peste 4.7 milioane de exemplare, cifră ce include atât versiunile retail cât şi cele digitale. Vă reamintesc ca 3.3 milioane de copii s-au vândut numai în primele 24 de ore.Mike Morhaime, Blizzard CEO: "We created thousands of new quests, introduced new lands to explore, and extensively revamped the game worldfor World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, making it our biggest and most ambitious expansion yet. We've been floored by the community's response so far, and we'd like to thank them for their continued passionand support for World of Warcraft, and for helping Cataclysm reach thisincredible milestone."
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