Sega atacata de hackeri

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  • edyy
    Asgard Founder
    • Aug 2010
    • 352

    Sega atacata de hackeri

    Dupa cum ne-am obinuit a venit si randul celor de la Sega sa primeasca o scurta vizita din partea hackerilor care par ca si-au facut un obicei , si ca de fiecare data nu au plecat cu mana goala.

    Sega a trimis un email tuturor membrilor comunitãþii prin care îi informeazã cã în cursul zilei de joi baza de date SEGA Pass a fost accesatã de hackeri, aceºtia reuºind sã obþinã o parte din adresele de email, numele de utilizator ºi parolele stocate pe server.

    Compania menþioneazã însã cã nu au fost compromise datele financiare ale acestora întrucât sunt folosite mijloace externe de procesare a plãþilor.

    Momentan pagina Sega Pass este indisponibila.

    Over the last 24 hours we have identified that unauthorised entry was gained to our SEGA Pass database.

    We immediately took the appropriate action to protect our consumers’ data and isolate the location of the breach. We have launched an investigation into the extent of the breach of our public systems.

    We have identified that a subset of SEGA Pass members emails addresses, dates of birth and encrypted passwords were obtained. To stress, none of the passwords obtained were stored in plain text.

    Please note that no personal payment information was stored by SEGA as we use external payment providers, meaning your payment details were not at risk from this intrusion.

    If you use the same login information for other websites and/or services as you do for SEGA Pass, you should change that information immediately.

    We have also reset your password and all access to SEGA Pass has been temporarily suspended.

    Additionally we recommend you please take extra caution if you should receive suspicious emails that ask for personal or sensitive information.
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