Assassin's Creed: Revelations

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  • edyy
    Asgard Founder
    • Aug 2010
    • 352

    Assassin's Creed: Revelations

    You've heard the rumors; now get the facts. Ezio's final chapter will bring the answers that fans have been waiting four years to uncover.

    Quote: You'll learn how each of the franchise's major characters -- Altaïr, Ezio, and Desmond -- play a part in the story, and how you'll control each of the three as playable characters. Uncover a brand new part of the world as Ezio travels abroad for the first time to explore the wonders of Constantinople at the height of the Ottoman Empire. Learn about all the new features that set Revelations apart, from a brand new weapon and tool that changes the way you'll fight and traverse the world, to extensive details on the newly customizable multiplayer game. And what exactly is going on with Desmond after the end of Brotherhood? Of course, we also have a wealth of new screens and art to accompany all the information. We unveil all this and more in our magazine cover story, and we'll have more in-depth information, interviews, and videos about the game's central features here on throughout the month.
    Ea era frumoasa ca umbra unui gamd ... Intre ape numai ea era pamant ...
  • toli
    • Sep 2010
    • 32

    Ma gandeam ca nu or sa publice nimic pana la E3, oricum sa vede treaba ca nici asta nu e AC3, mai degraba AC 2.75 )) daca precedentul poate fi numit AC 2.5 ))


    • edyy
      Asgard Founder
      • Aug 2010
      • 352

      Am ajuns la o misiune unde trebuie sa dezarmez garzile care ii ataca pe tigani, cum naiba se dezarmeaza ca nu am gasit nimic , ii lovesc cu piciorul pana cad jos dar nimic , iar de ranit nu am voie sa ii rasnesc.

      Sunt binevenite sugestiile
      Ea era frumoasa ca umbra unui gamd ... Intre ape numai ea era pamant ...


      • DriveR
        Junior Member
        • Aug 2010
        • 9

        trebuie sa stai in garda prin apasarea click dreapta si cand te ataca inamicul dai click stanga repetat si va face o schema de deposedare armamanet, e destul de smpla schema probabil de aia nici nu ai observat.

        Ai reusit sa joci misiunile din desmond journey ? la mine ca incerc sa intru in oricare din ele ma scoate din joc


        • Dan
          Junior Member
          • Jun 2011
          • 10

          din cate am inteles trebuie sa ai update-ul facut si dupa aceea ar trebuii sa iti mearga ( presupun ca ai versiunea free ) dar trebuie sa il activezi intr-un anumit mod pentru a functiona sau cel mai simplu il poti cumpara, cred ca il au si aici pe forum

