Star Trek a fost anunþat


  • Star Trek a fost anunþat

    Paramount Digital Entertainment a anunþat cã în vara anului viitor va lansa jocul de acþiune co-op Star Trek, dezvoltat în studiourile Digital Extremes.

    Povestea va fi scrisã de Marianne Krawczyk (God of War) împreunã cu Bob Orci ºi Alex Kurtzman (Star Trek) ºi va prezenta aventurile lui Kirk ºi Spock ce vor trebui sã colaboreze pentru a salva galaxia de invazia unei rase extraterestre.

    Paramount Digital Entertainment confirmed today that Star Trek™ will be coming to the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Windows PC in summer 2012. With an original story and unprecedented co-op experience, the game casts players as Kirk and Spock for the first time ever.

    The game, which continues the adventure that director and producer J.J. Abrams envisioned with Star Trek (2009), boasts a stand alone story filled with action-packed combat as Kirk and Spock must work together to stop a legendary enemy race bent on conquering the galaxy.

    "Star Trek challenges the boundaries of co-op gameplay with a galactic adventure that gamers and fans have never experienced," said Tom Lesinski, President of Paramount Digital Entertainment. "Working closely with the Star Trek filmmaking team throughout development, the game is sure to deliver AAA production values, a wide variety of gameplay and all the action you would expect from the hit franchise. This will be the definitive Star Trek gaming experience."

    Star Trek features an original story by BAFTA award winner and God of War writer, Marianne Krawczyk, in collaboration with the writer/producers of the new Star Trek films, Bob Orci and Alex Kurtzman.

    The game is under development by Digital Extremes (Bioshock 2, Unreal Tournament, Dark Sector, The Darkness II), working closely with Bad Robot, K/O Paper Products and Damon Lindelof and published by Paramount Digital Entertainment through a license with CBS Consumer Products. Star Trek will be available in stores 2012.

    Paramount Digital Entertainment has announced a brand new Star Trek title starring Kirk and Spock as envisioned in J. J. Abrams' 2009 Star Trek film. Titled simply Star Trek, the game is under development at Digital Extremes (BioShock 2, Darkness 2) and takes place after the film, tasking Kirk and Spock with taking down "a legendary enemy race bent on conquering the galaxy." The story is being handled by God of War writer Marianne Krawczyk along with the film's writers Bob Orci and Alex Kurtzman.

    The development team is "working closely" with Abrams' Bad Robot production company and producer Damon Lindelof, with Paramount promising co-op and "AAA production values, a wide variety of gameplay and all the action you would expect from the hit franchise." Star Trek is slated to materialize on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in 2012. It will also be on display at E3 next week, and you can bet your space boots we'll be beaming down.
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